Speed Session Tuesday

Where: Meet at the ‘Start’ marker of the Uni-Loop track. This is on McKinnon Parade, North Adelaide (directly opposite the multi-story apartment block near the corner).
When: 6.00pm - 7.15pm
Intermediate and Advanced Groups: The group is comprised of people of varying abilities. If you can run around 6:00 min/km pace in your longer runs, you are fit enough to start speed training as you will run considerably faster in the reps. There is a recovery interval after each rep. It is recommended that you are able to comfortably run 8 to 10kms before you commence speed training, otherwise you may struggle to complete the sessions.
Depending on the number of participants, the group may split into two groups, Intermediate and Advanced. The Advanced group is recommended for runners who can complete the 2.2km time trial in less than 9 minutes, or 1000m reps in 4 minutes or less. The Advanced group runs longer reps and/or additional reps than the Intermediate group. The Intermediate group generally consists of runners who complete the time trial between 9 minutes and 11 minutes, or 1000m reps in 5:00 mins or less. We do have some slower runners and there is the option to just do about ¾ of the session.
Coming along for the first time: The sessions run every week for the entire year (with the exception of some public holidays). You can start at any time because the sessions are roughly equivalent in difficulty each week. You don’t have to book in-just turn up on the night or contact Andreas Nuryanto (Intermediate group leader) or Andrew Vogler (Advanced group leader) if you have any questions that are not covered here. Their contact emails are below.
Facilities: There are toilets in the middle of the oval and also on Bundeys Road. It is strongly advised that you bring a water bottle. There is a drink fountain on the edge of the oval which is adjacent to the intersection of Frome Rd and War Memorial Drive. There is also a tap close to the toilet block on the oval. We do not have secure facilities for belongings. Most people lock their clothing and valuables in their car.
Description: The Intermediate sessions are comprised of approximately 7.5km of running (2.2km warm up, 1100m cool down, and about 4km of fast intervals). The Advanced sessions are comprised of approximately 9.4km of running (2.2km warm up and cool down, and about 5km of fast intervals). After the warm-up we complete 5 ‘run throughs’ on the grass. These are short reps of around 80m at a fast pace, walking back after each rep. Most sessions then start with a few long intervals (from 800m to 1600m) followed by shorter intervals (from 200m to 600m). Every four weeks we have a 2.2km time trial which is handicapped (slower runners start first) and results are recorded (a link to the online results submission form is provided below).

Time-trial Results Submission Form

Winter Training Plan 2018


Class Trainers

Andreas Nuryanto

Contact via email: andreas.email@yahoo.com.au

Andrew Vogler

Contact via email: avogler@outlook.com