Start Running – South Terrace Adelaide

Start Running – South Terrace Adelaide

Start Running South Terrace Classes commence at Pulteney Grammar School at 190 South Terrace, Adelaide 5000 on Wednesday nights at 5.30pm.

Start Running Classes are coordinated over 12 weeks, where you will be introduced (or re-introduced) to the world of running with a goal of completing a 5K or 10K SARRC event at the end of the 12 week period.

The Start Running Classes offer a great coaching, encouragement and team camaraderie along with inspiration that comes from running with others.

SARRC Member Price $20. Non Member Price $120.

The Start Running fee includes the 12-week training program, entry into 5K or 10K SARRC Event, and 12 months SARRC Lite Membership. Up to 6 info social sessions, access to physiotherapist, nutritionist, personal trainer, shoe and garment specialist store with discounts on purchases. Total value of over $600.


Start Running South Terrace Term Dates

Term 1: Wednesday 30th January 2018 - Wednesday 18th April 2018
 Term 2: Wednesday 25th April 2018 - Wednesday 18th July 2018
 Term 3: Wednesday 25th July 2018 - Wednesday 10th October 2018 

Class Trainer

Mark Dallman